Choleric vision


Choleric vision 💀

Choleric vision

Choleric Vision is a virtual reality horror game which invites you to search for secret documents hidden in the Selmont-West Asylum. Through an Arduino heartrate moniter, As your pulse increases, so do your chances of being found. So remember: stay calm.

This project was created over 8 months with the goal to produce a game that combined level design, sound and artwork to create a frightening environment for the player while using new technologies to enhance this effect.

The game can be played with or without virtual reality (Oculus Rift) on a keyboard or with an Xbox controller.

Click Here for more information.

Project Team

  • Becca Baird: Texture Artist, Writer

  • Brad Campbell: 3D Artist

  • Valerie Heyerdahl: Sound Designer, Animator, 3D Artist and Programmer

  • Claudia Gunn-Harcus: Lead 3D Artist

  • Erica Lekawski: Programmer


  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Arduino

  • Maya

  • Substance Painter

  • Unity

  • Visual Studio

  • Zbrush


  • Research was done on related game titles, the historical period in which the game takes place, creating horror games and the required software/hardware.

    Reference photos collected for in game textures and locations

    Foley produced

  • Preliminary surveys were conducted on the target audience to determine their opinions in regards to the game’s concept, the art style and the gameplay

  • A map, based on research for best horror game design practices, was drawn first from a 2D top down perspective which was then turned into a very low poly 3D environment

    A test environment was created and proxy objects were placed to determine scaling with and without the Oculus Rift

    Sketches of key game elements were produced

  • Basic player interactions are implemented so more complicated mechanics, such as the enemy’s tracking algorithm can be tested


  • During the Beta phase all the required models were created, UV mapped and textured

    All models were placed in the game environment

  • The game is playable from start to finish

    Sound cues placed

  • The bulk of the user testing took place going into, during and coming out of the Beta phase

    Users were invited to think aloud during a play through of the game and asked to respond to a modified version of IJsselsteijn's game experience questionnaire after the testing took place. Their heart rates were also being monitored


  • All voice lines were recorded and added to their appropriate cue, along with all pre-recorded foley

  • Enemy tracking algorithm tested and corrected for special cases

    Balancing on enemy attributes vs. protagonist attributes

  • Less vital 3D models added to enhance the ambiance


By the Numbers