By the Numbers


By the Numbers 🎨

By the numbers

Ever make mistakes in life? Let’s make them birds. Yeah, they’re birds now.
— Bob Ross

A virtual reality on-rails paint shooter which takes the player through the 4 seasons on a wooden cart. Leap Motion controls allow the user to spray paint in a colour of their choice on the objects passing by.

Players attempt to earn the highest score by making use of the multipliers based on the variety of colours they use and the bonuses earned through using the correct colour scheme within each respective season. They can select a colour by turning their hand palm up to open the palette, and closing their hand when the desired colour comes into view. This colour can then be sprayed if the user holds their hand up with their palm facing the screen.

This game is a slightly competitive digital colouring book inspired by Bob Ross.

Project Team

  • Becca Baird: 3D Artist

  • Valerie Heyerdahl: Programmer

  • Claudia Gunn-Harcus: 3D Artist

  • Erica Lekawski: Programmer

  • Lukundo Lako: Programmer


  • Blender

  • Maya

  • Unity


  • A map was created with a set track for the player to traverse through in order to test the Oculus Rift in conjunction with an on rails style of gameplay and get an idea of scale

  • Cubes were placed around the track to test the painting mechanic (controlled with a mouse at this stage rather than the Leap Motion)


  • The final stylized low poly models were completed and replaced the default cubes in the game map

  • Players can select and shoot colours using hand controls with the Leap Motion


  • A toon shader was added to the models

  • Background added to provide more visual cues about the season changing, scoreboard added to track high scores, final paint particle effects implemented


Choleric vision

